Friday, 13 January 2017

Research and Planning Targets

Your planning needs to be evidenced thoroughly; you've done it, clearly, as you're editing now!  Make sure it is to the standard of your analysis.  Placing some screengrabs or shots of trailers in your posts will make your responses even stronger. Keep pushing yourself!

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Costume on the day of filming:

On the day of filming:

This is the mask that the antagonist will be wearing. 'Lydia' is the person who is the antagonist in the film but the mask is to hide her identity to not give anything away and make the trailer a lot more scary. Lydia will also be wearing a black coat which is slightly too big which also hides what she looks like underneath the coat. The reason we chose black to be the colour of the mask and the coat is because We got this idea from 'The Purge' because 

We also put blood and mud on the top whilst we are in the woods. The reason that we decorated the t'shirt in the woods is because we wanted it to look as fresh as possible, especially the blood because we want the protagonist to look as if she has recently been injured. 

Caitlin also put blood on her hands to make hand prints on the t'shirt to make it look like Hannah has been grabbed, meaning the person who has hurt her will have blood on their hands.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Analysis of the film poster:


This is our final film poster, we edited the film poster on Photoshop. I think this is a very successful final because we have included both the protagonist and the antagonist within the main image. This final poster gives an indication to the audience about what the film is about, this is especially shown within the title because it is in big, white font and the word 'snatched' suggests that someone is being taken. This is also suggested because of the photograph, the audience see the protagonist dressed in white which suggests that she is innocent and in danger. The effect on the image also emphasises the whiteness of the model and makes her look as if she is a ghost which could intrigue the audience and make them wonder if the protagonist is alive or dead. 

When editing the poster we decided to make the actors names red because it is suggesting they are in danger or one of them is the antagonist and they are going to do something bad to the protagonist. The background is also blurred out to make it look like the protagonist is running away from the antagonist who looks as if he/she is going to grab her and 'snatch' her. We also took the photograph in the environment because we want to link our poster to the film as much as we can. The woods is also a very common setting for a horror film to be set because it has the stereotypes of danger happening in the woods, especially when you are alone. The woods is a very eerie place because it is so dark and the trees are big enough to hide people. 

The slogan is the same song which we used in our trailer. 'If you go down to the woods today, you better not go alone.' This gives an indication to what is happening in the film and that maybe the protagonist went to the woods alone and put herself in danger. So maybe it is her fault? This should stand out to the target audience because they will most likely remember the nursery rhyme 'teddy bear's picnic' which was probably sung to them when they were younger and it might bring back memories. It also will add a scary effect because it is suggesting we are making a happy memory into a horror movie. The small font explains who produced, filmed and wrote the film and also explains the release dates. 

Diary of filming:

Diary of filming:


We filmed our first day of filming but when we came to filming the second day of filming my camera ran out of battery. in our second day of filming we went to the same place and we filmed similar bits. We also realised that when we got back to school we had filmed 'Hannah' the main character in the wrong coat so we had to re-film the parts again. We went back to the same place and filmed again. 


Finally on the 10/01/17 we did our final day of filming, except this time we went to the splash, which is in  Fetcham and we filmed our final pieces. This was a very successful day because we were able to film all the last bits for our film and it began to make it seem like our trailer was coming to an end. 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Documenting of influences on production:

Documenting of influences on production:

A big thing which stood out to me when looking for ideas for our trailer idea was the series "The Missing" this had a huge impact on some of the shots we could use in our trailer. I watched both the first and the second series and i was hooked on both and it made me realise how important different camera angles/shots and non diegetic/diegetic sound is when making a horror film/series. Particularly in "The Missing series 2 trailer" there was some parts of it where the audience are wanting to see the episodes and are counting down the days until it airs. 

The make up in the scenes are also amazing, this encouraged us to explore into make up videos on YouTube to gain the best effect possible by grabbing the audiences attention and thinking the trailer is real life and the audience can really connect emotionally with what is happening and hopefully put themselves in the situation of the characters. 

The second series of The Missing, the trailer shows the vulnerable girl walking through the town, the way the character is walking also shows how much pain she is in. This also encouraged us to make sure 'Hannah' really acted as if she has been really hurt by someone as it shows how effective it is.

The make up tutorial was also very useful as it allowed us to realise how much make up can make a difference. When experimenting with this it worked successfully and made the character look injured which fits really well with our horror trailer. 

Planning of the poster:

The front cover to our film will include the main character 'Hannah' who is the victim and she will be wearing a white baggy t'shirt with it covered in blood and dirt. This will automatically suggest that Hannah is in danger and the Horror film will conform to the expectations of a horror film. The reason we are using the colour white is because it shows innocence and it also allows us to make the blood and the dirt a lot more visible, allowing the white t'shirt to be the main focus in the front image. Hannah will also be starring at the audience, to draw then into the poster, also suggesting she is looking at the audience in the eye and encouraging them to see the film. There will be a sad expression on Hannah's face which will also add a sad effect to the poster and suggest that there will be an emotional side to the film.The title will also be quite big along the bottom of the poster and will be the same text as the title in the trailer.