Monday, 2 January 2017

Planning of the poster:

The front cover to our film will include the main character 'Hannah' who is the victim and she will be wearing a white baggy t'shirt with it covered in blood and dirt. This will automatically suggest that Hannah is in danger and the Horror film will conform to the expectations of a horror film. The reason we are using the colour white is because it shows innocence and it also allows us to make the blood and the dirt a lot more visible, allowing the white t'shirt to be the main focus in the front image. Hannah will also be starring at the audience, to draw then into the poster, also suggesting she is looking at the audience in the eye and encouraging them to see the film. There will be a sad expression on Hannah's face which will also add a sad effect to the poster and suggest that there will be an emotional side to the film.The title will also be quite big along the bottom of the poster and will be the same text as the title in the trailer. 

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