Thursday, 16 March 2017

Codes and conventions:

How has you established genre across the three products?

Our chosen genre was horror, i believe that all three of our products show this very successfully. This is shown through our original photography/camera shots, editing techniques, the mise-en-scene used and the sound used in our trailer. The photography was very successful because it does not give too much away but it does conform to the genre of horror and allows the audience to be interested in the film and what is going to happen. 

Magazine front cover:

We conformed to our chosen genre of horror very successfully in our magazine front cover and it is clear that the magazine front cover is advertising a horror film. This is especially shown through the editing. We edited the front cover on the editing program Photoshop. To get inspiration on how to edit the front cover i did a lot of research on what a professional film magazine front cover looked like. I found out that magazine front covers which are promoting a particular film, also include different bits about what the magazine includes, this suggesting that they are not only promoting the film which is on the front of the magazine but also promoting the rest of the magazine so as many people buy it as possible. This also conforms to the expectations of a film magazine and will encourage the target audience to go and see the film. 

The dark lighting used conforms to the expectations the most because it adds a very eerie effect. The dark editing around the outside of the cover also does not give the background away, this meaning that the audience will want to know where she is and why she is in the state she is in. This then links to the models blood. The editing process using Photoshop allowed us to enhance the colouring of the blood and the bruises meaning that it conforms to the horror genre and the target audience will like this and be encouraged to want to see the film and read the 'horror' magazine. 

The writing also adds an eerie effect to the cover and conforming it to the horror genre. The colour used for the writing is mainly white. This connotes the protagonists innocence and links to the colour of her top. All of the writing is in capital letters, this again makes it stand out and also makes the lettering look very sophisticated. Our slogan "if you go down to the woods today, will you return?" this is in the colour red. This connotes blood and this is conformed by the models face as she is covered in blood and bruises and her white top is also covered in blood. This suggests that the model did not get out of the woods and this will scare the audience and encourage them to want to watch the film because they will be interested to know what happens to her. The titles also have a 'dirty' effect which connotes the protagonists dirty face and clothing and could also connote the area she is in. Her top is white to show innocence which links to Stauss's theory of binary opposites between the black colouring/lighting and her top.


Our poster also successfully shows our chosen genre of horror. I think this is a very successful final because we have included both the protagonist and the antagonist within the main image. This final poster gives an indication to the audience about what the film is about, this is especially shown within the title because it is in big, white font and the word 'snatched' suggests that someone is being taken. This is also suggested because of the photograph, the audience see the protagonist dressed in white which suggests that she is innocent and in danger. The effect on the image also emphasises the whiteness of the model and makes her look as if she is a ghost which could intrigue the audience and make them wonder if the protagonist is alive or dead. 

When editing the poster we decided to make the actors names red because it is suggesting they are in danger or one of them is the antagonist and they are going to do something bad to the protagonist. The background is also blurred out to make it look like the protagonist is running away from the antagonist who looks as if he/she is going to grab her and 'snatch' her. We also took the photograph in the environment because we want to link our poster to the film as much as we can. The woods is also a very common setting for a horror film to be set because it has the stereotypes of danger happening in the woods, especially when you are alone. The woods is a very eerie place because it is so dark and the trees are big enough to hide people. 

The slogan is the same song which we used in our trailer. 'If you go down to the woods today, you better not go alone.' This gives an indication to what is happening in the film and that maybe the protagonist went to the woods alone and put herself in danger. So maybe it is her fault? This should stand out to the target audience because they will most likely remember the nursery rhyme 'teddy bear's picnic' which was probably sung to them when they were younger and it might bring back memories. It also will add a scary effect because it is suggesting we are making a happy memory into a horror movie. The small font explains who produced, filmed and wrote the film and also explains the release dates. 

Strauss's theory of binary opposites is also shown in our film poster because the antagonist is wearing black and the protagonist is wearing white suggested one is evil and the other is innocent.


Our trailer in many ways links to the chosen our chosen genre of horror. This is shown throughout because of the mystery and the unanswered questions which are involved in the trailer. One theorist which linked to our trailer was Propp's idea of 'The False Hero' this linked to our trailer very well because our protagonist 'Hannah' is innocent and vulnerable at the beginning but is also shown at the end to come back and haunt her friend, this suggesting she is now a bad character. Propps described this as the same idea as our trailer suggesting his theory had a big impact on our trailer. I think this has a good effect on our trailer because it shocks the audience and will hopefully encourage them to go and see it. 

The theorist strauss also links to our trailer. He suggests the idea of 'Binary opposites' which is when opposites come together. For example black and white, villian and hero and good and bad. This is shown in our trailer when the protagonist is shown to be wearing white, meaning she is innocent and the antagonist is wearing black to show he is evil. It is also shown when the protagonist is innocent and gets taken by the protagonist who is evil. 

Barthes enigma code also links to our trailer, conforming to our genre of horror. Barthes enigma code suggests the idea of unanswered question which leaves the audience guessing and trying to come up with an answer to what could have happened. This conforms to our expectations of a trailer because it leaves the audience guessing and will encourage the audience go and see the film. Barthes enigma code is used in our trailer a few times. This is when the protagonist is taken and the audience do not have an answer to why she was taken. Another unanswered question in our trailer is when the audience don't know who the antagonist is and they will want to know why they are trying to hide their identity and who they are, this adds an eerie effect.

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