Friday, 4 November 2016

Location research:

Location Research:

When thinking about our location for our horror trailer, we had quite a limited choice on the types of places we think it is 'socially' acceptable to film our horror trailer without concerning other people. Our idea from the start has always been the woods and this is because it does give off a good atmosphere for a horror trailer. We also discussed the idea of doing some of the filming at someones house, this is because we know we are in an area where no one can be concerned about what we are doing. 

For our trailer we plan to film in the Norbury Woods, the reason we chose this destination is because it is a very quiet part of the wood and it has a part in the woods which is very dark and eerie. This will add a scary effect to the trailer and hopefully make our target audience become excited and become on edge. This part of the woods is a very good place for use to film because it is out of the way and we all agreed that it was a good place for us to stay out of the way of other people. This also worked in out favor because we do not want people walking around in the background when something shocking is about to happen and they are not seen doing anything. 

We also plan to use Hannah's house to film. This is because it will make up relax and we don't have to worry. It conforms to the stereotypes of a horror film because it is a quiet road which suggests its a deserted location and it will hopefully make the audience feel fear for the young girl who has gone missing. 

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