Thursday, 24 November 2016

'Total Film' magazine cover analysis:

'Total Film' magazine cover analysis:

Image result for film magazine cover

The main photograph for this magazine 'Total Film' is in the central of the magazine and it catches the audience's eye. The model is posing in a powerful way which gives off a sense of intimidation but also power which might encourage a male audience to purchase the magazine because they want to read about him and see what he does. The shot of the photograph is a mid shot as his whole body is not needed and the photograph just shows his upper half. The model has been chosen to model in the central of the magazine because he is the main actor of the film and he is advertising the film to get a bigger fan base and make the film as successful as possible. 

The barcode is put aside as it isn't to do with the story but it is needed for the product to actually be able to be bought. The price is also not very obvious on the this magazine as it could be suggested to be quite expensive which may not make the magazine sell as well. It is in an appropriate place just underneath the title which will catch the readers eye when they are looking at the magazine. 

The masthead is normally the name of the magazine, it is quite big and central for the audience to see. This magazine is a worldwide, well known magazine which means the title can be overlapped by the photograph without it being a problem because it has a big fan base and a lot of people look forward to it coming out weekly. The slogan links with the sky line, this is because the skyline is the slogan, on this skyline we see what is included in the magazine, which draws the audience in to read the magazine. The skyline is across the top of the page, it stands out to the reader and it adds entertainment to the front cover of the magazine. Direct address - As we can see the actor is looking into the camera which gives off a sense of power, but also intimacy. The image has different effects on people, but the model is trying to connect with the reader and try to encourage them to read the magazine and also go and see the film.

The colour scheme is very simple and quite plan, it is suggested that the intention is to relate to the film being advertised which often brings out the main photograph. The magazine also has a "Anchorage text" this is when the text runs along the photograph, as we see the name of the film across the page and the characters name which runs along with the photograph and gives a bit more information but not enough to give away the film, this encourages people to want to go and watch the film because they are intrigued but the little part of the film which has been given away. The magazine also includes "sell lines" this also attracts the target audience. Sell lines go along with the lines of the page and gives away information within the magazine. This helps to attract buyers. The layout of the magazine is quite formal, the lining is straight and is it organised which gives the audience a sense of seriousness and importance. 

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