Friday, 25 November 2016

Lovely Bones Trailer (Horror Genre)

Lovely bones 

(Horror Genre)

The trailer starts with a panning, close up shot of a young girl reading a very well known magazine, Shot reverse shot is used as the audience are introduced to a boy a similar age to the girl, she looks as if she is hiding from him. This conforms to our stereotype of a horror trailer because we are introduced to a normal girl who is has feelings for a boy, this could later on be a bad thing as he could be the the villain and hurt the girl and her family. We are introduced to the girls grandmother who is joking with the girl about the boy she is looking at, this also conforms to our stereotype of a horror trailer as the audience know that something bad is about to happen and its going to shock everyone. 

As the trailer continues we are introduced to the rest of the family which looks like the scene has been filmed on a home camera as it doesn't look as high quality as it should be. This is very effective as it adds a connection with the audience and the actors/actresses as it gives the audience an idea about how close the family are and it allows the audience to get to know them so when something bad happens it will scare the audience but it will also make them very sad. Some members of the audience may even be able to relate to the trailer and the story line. 

Non-diegetic sound is used over the trailer, it is suggested to be the main actress in the film, she is talking about her life and who she is. The trailer also shows her family and her lifestyle and it shows that it is very normal and suggests that what is about to happen could happen to anyone. "I was 14 years old when i was murdered." This will stick in the audiences head as they will find it very sad how a young girl of that age was murdered, although it is very surreal as she is telling the audience about her life even though she is dead. "Dad she is dead isn't she?" this does not conform to our stereotypes of a horror film because we do not expect the film to be as sad as it is, this will hopefully encourage the target audience to go and see the film because they will want to see how she was murdered and if the man gets caught or gets pay back for what he did. 

The non-diegetic music becomes very peaceful as we witness the young girl in another world, it looks very relaxing as if she is in a full time dream. This also links back to the surreal idea of her still being alive but in another part of the planet. "I was alive in my own perfect world." this suggests that she is in a better place but because it is a horror film does this mean that the amazing new life she has is going to last? "But in my heart i knew it wasn't perfect, my murderer was still haunting me." This conforms to our stereotypes of a horror film as she still isn't getting peace even though she is dead and the murderer is still out there getting away with what he has done.

The non-diegetic sound becomes very upbeat and quite aggressive suggesting that the family are doing all they can to find her or find out who did this to her. The policeman does not believe the dad, this also conforms to our stereotypes of a horror film because it suggests that he is very close to finding out who did this but because no one believes him then nothing will be done. This will add tension to the trailer and annoyance as the audience know who did it and know how close the dad is to finding out. "You're a salmon girl right?" this is a repeated scene but instead he is asking the dead girls sister. This is a very effective scene as the audience know what he did to her sister and the same pattern happened. Why does he want the salmon girls? Does he want revenge? This could suggest that the dad and the murderer have a past and this could be why the police do not want to believe him as he is just setting him up. 

An over the shoulder shot is used as the young sister is standing behind his car, this creates a creepy effect as it suggests he is watching her. A close up is used as we see the girl break into the mans house and we see the terror in the young girls face, she is wearing a light blue which suggests her innocence and her her purity, which suggests she doesn't really know what shes doing but she wants to help her dad to find some evidence to get the man arrested and charged. 

This is a very good example of a horror trailer as it leaves the audience on edge and gives no answers away. This will encourage the audience to go and see the film as they will want to know what happens at the end and if the sister stays alive. 

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