Saturday, 26 November 2016

' The Cabin in the woods' - Horror Trailer:

'The cabin in the woods'
Horror genre:

The trailer starts like a lot of horror trailers do. It introduces the audience to happy young adults who are going away for their first holiday. The non diegetic music is very upbeat and exciting suggesting they are going to have an amazing time. The scene is set in a forest which looks like it is in the middle of no where. The satnav will not even connect because there is no signal. This conforms to our expectations of a horror film because it suggests they won't be able to get any help if trouble occurs. The group of friends become lost and find an abandoned petrol station. "The sign says closed!" A grumpy man comes out not looking very impressed that a group of people have intruded his home. The man is very strange looking and looks as if he has been burnt on his skin, his personality also suggests he is not a very happy man. This conforms to the stereotypes of a horror film because it suggests that he is going to ruin their trip. An over the shoulder shot is then used as the group try to describe where they want to go. Shot reverse shot is used as the man spits on the floor, the spit looks like blood, this could suggest he is not really human or he likes the taste of blood. The camera shoots back to the group of people and they looks on edge and quite scared. "I can help you get there, but getting back is your concern" This is quite a weird thing for the man to say because the audience will not understand why is he saying that. Of course he won't be there to help them anyway. This could also suggest that no one ever returns from this place, suggesting its haunted. 

The screen goes black and non diegetic sound becomes very upbeat and could make the audience on edge. A long shot is used of a cabin in the middle of nowhere. The scene then changes to the group of young adults in the cabin. "This is awesome!" This suggests that they love where the cabin is and the do not expect anything to go wrong. The screen then pops up with "you think you know the story" This suggests that the audience will be planning in their heads what is gong to happen but the film is going to be completely different. A medium shot is used as it shows one of the characters going into his room, as he looks in the mirror he sees his friend in the other room looking into the mirror also but can not see him. This suggests already that the house is going to be strange. A long shot is used as we see the group of friends jumping in the lake near the cabin, this suggests they are already having a good time and the audience will not expect anything to happen.A long shot is used of a bird flying and then it flies into a mechanical wall which is invisible suggesting that the group of friends are now trapped and will not be able to get out, this links to what the man said at the beginning because it suggests that they now can't leave.

The audience are then introduced to a room where the entire cabin is being watching and people are sat in there to try and scare the group in the cabin and even maybe kill them. The man from the beginning is there and he is directing them on where they are.  "I seriously believe something weird is going on" this is said by one of the men in the cabin but because he is always taking drugs the girl he is talking to doesn't believe him and thinks he i just hallucinating. The non diegetic sound becomes very upbeat conforming to our expectations of a horror trailer as it suggests any second something bad is going to happen. A medium shot is used as we see one of the girls undress for her boyfriend outside, this adds an eerie effect to the scene as  she is outside and will gave no clothes on if something attacks. 

A close up is shown as someone pulls a lever and a long shot is then used as we see something coming out of the water. A close up is then used of a one of the girls screaming, this suggests something bad is about to happen. The scene then ends.This is what makes trailers successful as it leaves the audience wondering what is going to happen to that girl and what has she seen. A long shot is used of the door trying to be knocked down. The group of people suggest its a good idea to stick together, something then comes into the room which suggests that they have been poisoned and then they all agree to spilt up. This suggests that their minds are now being controlled. The music becomes very upbeat and everyone is then a target. The trailer shows short parts of the film to create a cliffhanger type effect which suggests that the audience watching this will definitely want to see the film as they want to know what happens to the group of friends. A glimpse of hope is shown as two of the friends go down to the room of mechanics although the trailer ends with a close up of one of the girls screaming. 

The Call - Halle Berry - Horror Trailer:

'The Call'

The trailer starts with a black screen with a lot of non diegetic sound of people talking, movement, phones ringing, "911 whats your emergency?" this sets the scene for the audience and explains that the film is going to involve emergencies and people who need help. This conforms to our stereotypes of a horror film as it suggests that a murder might happen, a disappearance might happen or something that the audience will not be expecting. Usually it is something quite cliche but it also gets the audiences attention and makes them scared of the dark and to be home alone. The black screen at the beginning also adds mystery to the film and at anytime something to jump out to make the audience jump. A long shot is used as the audience get to see the police station room and we are introduced to a female character, she looks quite relaxed suggesting that there is not many serious crimes which happen on a daily basis. The screen goes black again and white writing comes up on the screen "what if you heard the sound" the use of the black screen with the white writing makes the writing stand out and although it is very simple it makes the trailer very mysterious. The use of the personal pronoun "you" also draws in individuals from the audience as it makes them think about themselves being in a difficult situation. There is a high pitch sound over the black screen suggesting something bad is going to happen. A medium shot is then used as we seen the police women looking straight ahead of her in shock and behind her is a lady looking to see if she is ok. The non diegetic sound is of someone breathing and breaking things and it the scene cuts to a man walking around the house, walking around as if he is very angry. The trailer then changes to another black screen with white writing which says "what if you heard the cries" this suggests that someone is in trouble and needs saving immediately and again is putting the audience in the situation if they had to deal with it. 

Cries begin to come from the other end of the phone as the trailer changes to a medium shot of a blonde girl crying down the phone, she is wearing a pink top which connotes cuteness which suggests she is quite young and innocent. The scene then changes to a close up of the police women's face, she looks very distressed and her eyes are very watery suggesting she knows what is going to happen to the girl. The non diegetic sound is of the girl screaming and crying, this adds sad emotions to the scene. A close up is used of the police lady who says that police officers are on their way. This will give hope to the audience. This is a trailer so not much will be given away, the audience will probably not find out if she got saved but might see if something bad happens because it will continuously happen throughout the film and this will hopefully appeal to the target audience and encourage them to go and see it. The target audience is suggested to be young adults, age rated 18+ as there is suggested murders which happen in the film and young girls who go missing. This could narrow down the amount of money they make as it is suggested that younger children prefer to go to the cinema. 

The scene shows that the phone gets disconnected which suggests that something bad may have happened to the girl. We then see the police women dial back which means the phone rings and the murderer will hear this. The audience will get frustrated with this as she could have stayed alive because he was beginning to go back downstairs. A close up is used of the girl who is distraught as she knows what is about to happen and she is desperate for someone to come and see her. "its already done" this is said by the murderer which suggests that he has killed the girl. A close up is used of the police women who looks very upset and this could suggest that she thinks it is her fault. Quite a lot is given away in this part of the trailer and it is very similar to a film, this could mean that the trailer is quite unsuccessful as the audience will know what happens in the beginning of the film.

The audience are then introduced to another blonde young girl who is walking to her car and she is talking to a loved one, this suggests she doesn't know what is about to happen. There is also a connection with the first girl and her as they are both blonde and very innocent looking. Could this suggest that the murderer is targeting young, blonde girls? A long shot is used as a car nearly backs into her, a man gets out looking very angry as if it was her fault that he nearly ran her over. The non diegetic sound makes a very loud as if it was a screech, a close up is used as the man grabs the girl by the mouth and the screen goes black. A close up is used of the girl in the boot of the car and she is screaming "nooooo" this suggests he is taking her somewhere. This could surprise the audience because to the first girl he killed her straight away but he has kidnapped this one. Diegetic sound is then used as we hear the girl ring 911. 

"For us to help you, you need to help us" the police lady is trying to be a lot more planned this time round. A medium shot is used as the girl puts her hand out of the car where she kicked the break light bulbs out, this will hopefully attract other cars and get help. The police lady tells her to do different things to try and save her life. None of them work in her favour. "Do not hurt that little girl" "its already done" this is repeated from the first part of the trailer and makes it very successful as he doesn't care who he tells. This part of the trailer also gave a lot away about the film, this also suggests that it is not a very successful trailer because the story is given away before people have gone to see the actual film. The last bit of the trailer shows the police women in his house, this suggests she is on her own and she is in a lot of danger. The end of the trailer ends with her face in water suggesting she is about to drown. This is the only part in the trailer where we don't know whether she survives or not. 

Friday, 25 November 2016

Lovely Bones Trailer (Horror Genre)

Lovely bones 

(Horror Genre)

The trailer starts with a panning, close up shot of a young girl reading a very well known magazine, Shot reverse shot is used as the audience are introduced to a boy a similar age to the girl, she looks as if she is hiding from him. This conforms to our stereotype of a horror trailer because we are introduced to a normal girl who is has feelings for a boy, this could later on be a bad thing as he could be the the villain and hurt the girl and her family. We are introduced to the girls grandmother who is joking with the girl about the boy she is looking at, this also conforms to our stereotype of a horror trailer as the audience know that something bad is about to happen and its going to shock everyone. 

As the trailer continues we are introduced to the rest of the family which looks like the scene has been filmed on a home camera as it doesn't look as high quality as it should be. This is very effective as it adds a connection with the audience and the actors/actresses as it gives the audience an idea about how close the family are and it allows the audience to get to know them so when something bad happens it will scare the audience but it will also make them very sad. Some members of the audience may even be able to relate to the trailer and the story line. 

Non-diegetic sound is used over the trailer, it is suggested to be the main actress in the film, she is talking about her life and who she is. The trailer also shows her family and her lifestyle and it shows that it is very normal and suggests that what is about to happen could happen to anyone. "I was 14 years old when i was murdered." This will stick in the audiences head as they will find it very sad how a young girl of that age was murdered, although it is very surreal as she is telling the audience about her life even though she is dead. "Dad she is dead isn't she?" this does not conform to our stereotypes of a horror film because we do not expect the film to be as sad as it is, this will hopefully encourage the target audience to go and see the film because they will want to see how she was murdered and if the man gets caught or gets pay back for what he did. 

The non-diegetic music becomes very peaceful as we witness the young girl in another world, it looks very relaxing as if she is in a full time dream. This also links back to the surreal idea of her still being alive but in another part of the planet. "I was alive in my own perfect world." this suggests that she is in a better place but because it is a horror film does this mean that the amazing new life she has is going to last? "But in my heart i knew it wasn't perfect, my murderer was still haunting me." This conforms to our stereotypes of a horror film as she still isn't getting peace even though she is dead and the murderer is still out there getting away with what he has done.

The non-diegetic sound becomes very upbeat and quite aggressive suggesting that the family are doing all they can to find her or find out who did this to her. The policeman does not believe the dad, this also conforms to our stereotypes of a horror film because it suggests that he is very close to finding out who did this but because no one believes him then nothing will be done. This will add tension to the trailer and annoyance as the audience know who did it and know how close the dad is to finding out. "You're a salmon girl right?" this is a repeated scene but instead he is asking the dead girls sister. This is a very effective scene as the audience know what he did to her sister and the same pattern happened. Why does he want the salmon girls? Does he want revenge? This could suggest that the dad and the murderer have a past and this could be why the police do not want to believe him as he is just setting him up. 

An over the shoulder shot is used as the young sister is standing behind his car, this creates a creepy effect as it suggests he is watching her. A close up is used as we see the girl break into the mans house and we see the terror in the young girls face, she is wearing a light blue which suggests her innocence and her her purity, which suggests she doesn't really know what shes doing but she wants to help her dad to find some evidence to get the man arrested and charged. 

This is a very good example of a horror trailer as it leaves the audience on edge and gives no answers away. This will encourage the audience to go and see the film as they will want to know what happens at the end and if the sister stays alive. 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

My Sisters Keeper: (Drama Genre)

My Sisters Keeper:

(Drama Genre)

This Trailer fits all the stereotypes for a drama genre, this is because it appears that the little girl in the film has cancer. This automatically makes the audience aware that the film is going to pull on some heart strings and probably end badly. The trailer starts with a very weak quality picture, this suggests it is a home video and we are shown a very happy family who are so excited to be on holiday. A close up is shown of a baby which suggests that its the babies first holiday with her family. Lots of laughing in close up shots is happening which suggests it isn't going to last as it is a drama. This will encourage the audience to go and see the film as they will be interested to find out the ending. 

"Most babies are accidents... not me" this is the opening sentence to the trailer, it could mean two things, either she was planned by her parents or they got special treatment to have a child. This already creates a drama because why would a young girl know whether she was an accident or not? This is also non diegetic sound over the video of them on holiday and they are young so it could confuse the audience. "Born to save my sisters life." this suggests that her sister is not well and that her mum and dad do not have good enough genes meaning they cannot have another baby. It also suggests that her sister is really ill and she needs to save her life. She is very young which could surprise the audience because it could go wrong and both of their daughters could be seriously ill and may not make it through the operation. 

In the background of the trailer we are shown the family laughing and being generally happy,it is suggested that this is not going to last for long and the daughter does look very ill. she has no hair which automatically suggests she has cancer. Some members of the audience might be able to relate to this and understand how the different characters in the film would be feeling. It also suggests that the characters are putting on a front to try and be brave when in reality they wish that their lives were not like this. We are then shown in the trailer sadness and how difficult it is on the family and having to live on eggshells whether she is going to be ok one day or not the next day. 

There is then a mishap in the film and we are introduced to a horrid side of the sister who was created to save her sisters life and she sues her parents as she doesn't want to give up her body. This links to the drama genre as everything was planned and then the daughter ruined it and now they cannot live their lives happy. The non-diegtic sound is of the dad talking over the trailer with slow music in the background and he is expressing his feeling. This suggests that he is really upset about what has happened and he doesn't know what he can do to try to change it. 

"I don't mind that the disease is killing me but it is killing my family too" this quote will stick in the audiences head as they are realising that a teenager is accepting the fact she is going to die but she is worried about her family and she does not want to hurt them. The girl who is ill is also wearing light blue, suggesting she is weak and she is ready to go to sleep and rest. The colour also makes her look a lot worse because it makes her skin look very washed out and pale. The girl meets a boy whilst she is in hospital, this could suggest she has fallen in love and this will encourage her to fight for her life. 

At the end of the trailer we are shown the girl well and all dressed up this will also encourage the audience to go and see the film as it suggests she gets better and that her sister helped her. But was it for the right reasons? this could be a question going through the audiences head as they will be worried about the young girl who didn't want to go through with it. The non-diegetic sound also becomes more upbeat and happy suggesting that something good has happened and it has the same feeling as it did at the beginning of the trailer - a happy family. 

The Notebook Trailer: (Romance Genre)

The Notebook
(Romance genre)

The trailer starts with non diegetic sound of music peacefully playing in the background as the audience are introduced to two characters in the film, they are peacefully in a rowing boat which is very stereotypically romantic and sets the scene very nicely. There is also white swans swimming around the lake which also suggests that the two people in the boat are in love and they have not been together long suggesting their relationship is fresh and they are in the first few months of romance. The colour white suggests purity. A bird's eye view shot is used to show off the beautiful lake. The trailer then changes to a medium shot as two bikes begin to cycle towards the camera, this also conforms to our expectations of romance as they are doing activities which keeps their relationship exciting and fresh. Non diegetic sound of dialogue is of a narrator describing what is happening to the couple and what will happen in the trailer. The voice is very calm which also suggests that it could be the young actor in the film describing his life with the love of his life.

The trailer introduces us to the two main characters and they are very opposite, one is rich and one is poor. This suggests that the film will be about two young people who not allowed to be together. A medium shot is used as the boy asks out the girl, although he jumps up on to a ride to force her to go out with him. This stereotypically conforms to our expectations of a "poor" boy who is trying his hardest to get someone who is stereotypically a lot better than he is. He comes across as a very confident boy as he is hanging off the ride he gets the girl to say twice that she wants to go out with him. This automatically connects with the audience as they will fall in love with the character, especially the female audience and they will want to be in a relationship like this where the boy does everything he can to win her over. 

The audience are also introduced to an older couple, we realise that the non diegetic voice over the top of the trailer is being spoken by the older man who is telling the story to an older female. The audience will be wondering who these people are and where have they got this story from. Both the younger girl and the older lady are wearing red which suggests they could be the same person and the older man is telling her about her life and she might not be very well. Except the older lady does look very well. This will also encourage the audience of the trailer to go and see the film as they will be interested to know what happens at the end of the story. 

"its like a dream" this suggests that the film fits all our stereotypes for a romance genre film as she is so in love. Although in the trailer we are introduced to her rude, snobby family who do not like him, this also fits to our stereotypes because there is always something that must go wrong in a romance film but usually they all have a happy ending. 

At the end of the trailer an advertising voice says that it is based on a true story and that the film was previously a book, the readers who have read the book will definitely be interested to see if the film is as good as the book to the other way around!  

'Empire' magazine cover analysis:

 'Empire' magazine cover analysis:

Image result for film magazine cover

The date and the price is shown in a small text near the masthead. The price is shown in a small text because the central image attracts the audience before they find out how much it costs. The price is £3.99 which is a lot of magazine, although the magazine is very popular which suggests a lot of people will buy the magazine even though it is very high in price. The date shown is "August 2008" which indicates that it is a monthly magazine as there is no specific date for release. This also suggests that it has a monthly audience who buy the magazine. The masthead is usually the most biggest and brightest text on the front of the magazine cover. This is because it draws attention to the title of the magazine and the readers who usually buy this magazine monthly will see the big title straight away. The bright colours also makes the magazine stand out from the rest of the magazines which will be on the magazine stand with it. 

The tagline "THE WORLD'S BIGGEST MOVIE MAGAZINE" attracts the target audience and makes the magazine stand out. It also attracts a new potential audience as it guarantees high quality and states popularity. It will also suggests that if this magazine was next to another magazine and the reader was indecisive about which magazine to buy this would encourage them to buy this magazine. "45 NEW MOVIES YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT RIGHT NOW!" This use of text grabs the audience's attention. The use of words such as "need" and "right now" emphasise that if the reader does not pick this magazine they will be missing out on some amazing and important information the magazine will include. 

The use of a barcode is to make it clear that the magazine is not a free magazine. Also, it denotes professionalism, making it not look free and of low quality. The barcode is positioned in the far bottom right so it does not distract the audience of steal focus from any other important feature on the cover, mainly the main image. The use of the blue star helps to navigate the potential audience around the front cover of the magazine. It directs them to finding out information the reader may want to know. 

The website address is located under the masthead. It is important for the viewers as the readers are most likely to be film lovers, in which case they can find out more about the new film and find out exclusive news and facts. Also the use of social media conveys the idea that the audience is those between the ages of 15 to 25 (older teenagers and young adults.)as they tend to be the age group is most likely to use social media networking sites. 

'Total Film' magazine cover analysis:

'Total Film' magazine cover analysis:

Image result for film magazine cover

The main photograph for this magazine 'Total Film' is in the central of the magazine and it catches the audience's eye. The model is posing in a powerful way which gives off a sense of intimidation but also power which might encourage a male audience to purchase the magazine because they want to read about him and see what he does. The shot of the photograph is a mid shot as his whole body is not needed and the photograph just shows his upper half. The model has been chosen to model in the central of the magazine because he is the main actor of the film and he is advertising the film to get a bigger fan base and make the film as successful as possible. 

The barcode is put aside as it isn't to do with the story but it is needed for the product to actually be able to be bought. The price is also not very obvious on the this magazine as it could be suggested to be quite expensive which may not make the magazine sell as well. It is in an appropriate place just underneath the title which will catch the readers eye when they are looking at the magazine. 

The masthead is normally the name of the magazine, it is quite big and central for the audience to see. This magazine is a worldwide, well known magazine which means the title can be overlapped by the photograph without it being a problem because it has a big fan base and a lot of people look forward to it coming out weekly. The slogan links with the sky line, this is because the skyline is the slogan, on this skyline we see what is included in the magazine, which draws the audience in to read the magazine. The skyline is across the top of the page, it stands out to the reader and it adds entertainment to the front cover of the magazine. Direct address - As we can see the actor is looking into the camera which gives off a sense of power, but also intimacy. The image has different effects on people, but the model is trying to connect with the reader and try to encourage them to read the magazine and also go and see the film.

The colour scheme is very simple and quite plan, it is suggested that the intention is to relate to the film being advertised which often brings out the main photograph. The magazine also has a "Anchorage text" this is when the text runs along the photograph, as we see the name of the film across the page and the characters name which runs along with the photograph and gives a bit more information but not enough to give away the film, this encourages people to want to go and watch the film because they are intrigued but the little part of the film which has been given away. The magazine also includes "sell lines" this also attracts the target audience. Sell lines go along with the lines of the page and gives away information within the magazine. This helps to attract buyers. The layout of the magazine is quite formal, the lining is straight and is it organised which gives the audience a sense of seriousness and importance. 

Friday, 11 November 2016

The Last Exorcism Part II Poster Analysis:

The Last Exorcism 
Part II
Poster Analysis: 

This poster is a very effective film poster. It stood out to me as a horror poster because it the girl looks like she is out of control of her body which links to the title 'The Last Exorcism' suggesting if this time it does not work then they will give up or leave her for the devil. The colours used in the poster are very dull. The black and whites make the image have a very negative effect and suggest that the model is emotionless and her whole body is being taken over and she has no control. The way in which her body is shown links to the idea of the cross, suggesting that religion will help to cure her. The models shadow on the wall looks like the cross which again suggests religion is the only way out. 

The title at the bottom of the page, is in white, this makes the title stand out. The font is very sophisticated which subverts our expectations of a horror poster because usually the font is big and very dramatic. This film poster is quite basic but also very effective and gives off a lot of emotions. This poster could offend religious people because of the way in which the model is placed and the way they are mixing god with the devil. 

Costume Research:

Costume Research:

Image result for fake blood on a white topCostume of the protagonist: The Protagonist will be wearing day to day clothes. She will be wearing normal clothes to show her innocence and to show she isn't expecting anything bad to happen to her. This will also make the audience feel calm and won't be expecting anything to happen to the innocent girl on a dog walk. As the trailer goes on the protagonist (Hannah) will be wearing a white baggy top, the white colour will show her purity and her innocence. The top will be baggy to show that she was relaxing at home before a quick dog walk, this will suggest that she walks in this area a lot and knows that it will only be a quick walk and she won't see many people, this again suggests she is going to be in more danger because nobody will see her. The white t'shirt will also have blood on it and rips to show she has been in danger. 

Image result for black glove
Other Characters:  There will be other characters in parts of the film but they will be dressed in normal clothes because they will play normal parts. There is a mystery Antagonist in the trailer but no one will be introduced to this character because we are going to keep it a mystery to keep the audience guessing. The only part of the antagonist which might be seen is the hand which the antagonist might be wearing a glove to keep his/her identity hidden. 

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Mood board:

Mood board:

These images are just a few we selected that we feel summarise our trailer quite well, from location to prop choice. The dark figure and the mask both relate to our antagonist as we wanted this to be a very mysterious character whose identity will not be revealed in the trailer hence why we used the mask. We wanted the antagonist to be dressed all in black to connote danger and hopefully create more tension. The picture of the blood splattered t-shirt is there because this will be one of our key props in order to illustrate to the audience the ordeal Hannah (the protagonist) has gone through. The picture of the woods just simply shows the location in which we intend to film our trailer. Finally the last two images relate to Hannah's character of the protagonist being a young vulnerable girl. We included an image from the television series the missing as this was the character we based our protagonist around. Overall from just glancing at the few images we have selected you can immediately tell the genre is horror which we were pleased with as we wanted to stick to a traditional cliché to the genre.

Relevant online tutorials:

Relevant online tutorials:

Make up tutorials: 

Tutorial 1:

The reason i looked at a YouTube tutorial on how to make bruises look realistic is because our actress 'Hannah' is meant to look as if she has been injured throughout the trailer. This video really helped me to understand what different shades of make up help to create a realistic looking bruise. This one in particular is around the models eye and this is the effect we want to have in our trailer. We got this idea from the trailer 'The Missing' which linked a lot to our trailer. The image next to the text is a similar look which we plan to achieve, although this is a good starting point we want the audience to be scared rather than trying to work out why this could of happened, this is a similar response which would happen for the series of 'The Missing' meaning the series was not a horror series but in fact a mystery and could stand out to families who could have been through a similar story and suffered like the families did in this series. 'Hannah' will need to look as if she has had no sleep, suggesting she has been tortured after she has mysteriously been taking in a woods in which she goes to with her dog frequently. The video also creates step by step stages which i should follow when trying to create the final look which was also a great help when practising on 'Hannah'. 

Tutorial 2:

Another tutorial i looked at was another make up tutorial but instead of it being around the eyes i looked at other parts of the face.. the outcome again was very similar but it allowed me to gain other knowledge on how other people would do it. With this tutorial i like the way it shows to parts of the face, especially the lip as that is a very prominent part of the face as its where 'Hannah' is going to be talking from and the audience will be watching her mouth and her eyes throughout the trailer to understand the emotional rollar-coaster in which she is going through and hopefully the audience will be able to connect with the actress as well as being scared of what is going to happen next. 

Tutorial 3:

This Youtube tutorial allowed me to focus on different clothing for an antagonist/villain which conforms to the conventions and the stereotypes for a horror film. Our aim as a group is to make our horror trailer stand out as much as it can and for the target audience. This video allowed me to understand the different costumes which stand out to the target audience for horror films. The costumes are all quite different in the clip above but i have gained different ideas for our trailer. 

Institution Research:

Institution Research:

Twisted Pictures:

Image result for twisted pictures

There are millions of big names within the horror movie industry and many fans who will go out their way to see the latest horror movie. Horror films have become one of the most highest grossing film genres to date. "Twisted Pictures" is the most successful institutions within the horror genre who has grossed more than half a billion dollars from one of the most popular horror movie series "The Saw Series".Twisted Pictures aim towards making horror movie.Twisted Pictures have only been present in the horror industry for the past decade, since around 2003. Other movie companies such as Hammer productions are far more well knwon around the world due to their huge success with dozens of films. This shows that there is a lot of competitions to be the best institution.

20th Century Fox:

Image result for 20th century institution

The 20th Century Fox film is a very popular and famous institution. It is part of a lot of amazing films, the company was founded in 1935. 20th century fox is a very famous and well known institution and has distributes many successful films, "Star Wars" is one of its most well known Sci-fi trilogies, its considered to be a "space opra" which is names by its fans. The 20th century not only focuses on films it also focuses on TV programmes a well known continuous TV show made in America is "The Simpsons". This is not only famous in America it is also famous in the UK. The 20th century fox tends to focus  on family films as they believe they are more profitable. The 20th century fox does also support horror films but they do not tend to be as successful as the family films. 

Universal Pictures:

Image result for universal pictures

Universal Pictures has experimented with Horror Movies also. The famous films they have produced is films such as the American pie series, The fast and furious series and films such as Dawn of the Dead and sequels to the living dead series by Romero. Universal is also a very well known institution which supports many different genres of films, it is very popular and audiences who see films are supported by this are a lot more convinced to see the film.
Image result for EA games

EA, is a well known gaming industry and is known for its amazing history in games. The Horror genre is shown through many horror games such as the walking dead and other similar games. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

Certificate research:

Certificate Research:

The different certificates for a film include:

This means that the film is suitable for audiences aged four years and over. If a film is certificated 'U' it means that infrequent use of very mild bad language. It also means that the characters may also be seen kissing or cuddling and there may be some references to sexual behaviour, this also is very mild. Violence will normally again be very mild. A 'U' rated film also may include small, brief fight scenes or some characters may be in danger but no violence is ever shown. 

'PG' stands for Parental Guidance. 'PG' films are generally aimed at children ages eight or older and this should not unsettle them. A 'PG' film will not contain any theme which is inappropriate for a child, instead of this it can make children aware of different situations as some scenes can contain bullying, bereavement or even racism. Some mild bad language can be used such as 'shit' or 'son of a bitch'. violence is usually very mild and is not shown regularly  through the different scenes. 

The certificate '12A' is not suitable for children under the age of 12. '12A' requires an adult to accompany them at the cinema and if the staff do not think that they are 12 years or older then they will ask for ID. Moderate language may be used in a '12A' such as bitch or twat. Sex may be shown but very discreetly and this is the same with violence which means it is allowed but again is not shown in a lot of detail. 

In a fifteen rated film there is strong violence, frequent strong language such as, fuck and very rarely stronger terms may be used. a fifteen rated movie allows sexual activity to be shown, sexual nudity and something sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence and finally allows to show drug taking. 

An eighteen rate movie is allowed to screen the following: Strong horror, strong blood and gore, real sex, very strong violence, frequent strong language and finally discriminatory language and behaviour. 

·      We have decided that the certificate for our film should be targeted at fifteen year old's. It is a horror film which can be quite difficult to keep it in the age range but we do not plan to use anything which would be aimed at eighteen years and older. The reason our trailer is targeted at fifteen years and older and nobody below this age range is because our trailer may include strong language,violence and possibly even drug taking and references to sex. Having our trailer targeted at the ages of 15 and above also allows use to have a bigger target audience and hopefully this will make our trailer successful. 

Location research:

Location Research:

When thinking about our location for our horror trailer, we had quite a limited choice on the types of places we think it is 'socially' acceptable to film our horror trailer without concerning other people. Our idea from the start has always been the woods and this is because it does give off a good atmosphere for a horror trailer. We also discussed the idea of doing some of the filming at someones house, this is because we know we are in an area where no one can be concerned about what we are doing. 

For our trailer we plan to film in the Norbury Woods, the reason we chose this destination is because it is a very quiet part of the wood and it has a part in the woods which is very dark and eerie. This will add a scary effect to the trailer and hopefully make our target audience become excited and become on edge. This part of the woods is a very good place for use to film because it is out of the way and we all agreed that it was a good place for us to stay out of the way of other people. This also worked in out favor because we do not want people walking around in the background when something shocking is about to happen and they are not seen doing anything. 

We also plan to use Hannah's house to film. This is because it will make up relax and we don't have to worry. It conforms to the stereotypes of a horror film because it is a quiet road which suggests its a deserted location and it will hopefully make the audience feel fear for the young girl who has gone missing.