Thursday, 15 September 2016

Kill Bill - Trailer: (Action Genre)

Kill Bill:
(Action Trailer)

The film 'Kill Bill' is a really good example of an action film, it shows so many different scenes of action and entertainment, which is able to keep the audience on the edge of their seats which conforms to the stereotype of action films giving off an adrenaline rush. Not only does the film have a huge impact on the target audience but the trailer also shows a lot of action and introduces the audience to the different characters. Stereotypically the target audience is young, male adults because they have an interest in action and excitement and this is what this trailer shows. Young male audiences also like the idea of an action film because they contain things which are stereotypical seen as 'masculine' such as car chases, fighting, guns, girls and explosions. The trailer straight away begins with an extreme close up of a gun being shot, it is a very quick process which suggests the trailer doesn't want to expose to much of the film but already it is conforming to the stereotypes of fighting and guns being involved in action films. This will also encourage the stereotypical audience to want to watch the film as they will know that it is everything which they enjoy and gives off  the masculine effect.

We are then introduced to the main character, she is a women which is very unusual in an action film. The music is very upbeat as she walks through the crowds. She explains that she use to work for bill but when she tried to get out they did her in and now she wants revenge. A long shot is used as she gets out of her hospital bed in a wheelchair and quickly moves along to go and get revenge on bill and his workers. "and now its kill, kill and get  even, even steven and i would have to kill you" She explains to one of the ladies she is seeking revenge on in her house. Although this is the case she does seem very relaxed and the film does seem quite comical. A fighting scene then happens in the house, a beep of the bus from outside then happens and her little girl walks in from school and they hold their knives behind their backs. Again adding a comical effect. 

"That women deserves her revenge" this is said by bill himself as she is flying out to Tokyo to find them. A fighting scene then happens again but the audience do not know what is going to happen because it is a trailer. This will encourage them to go and see the film when it comes out. 

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